Thursday, September 23, 2010

Miracle drug layoff...

    I updated a few things on the 'A little bit of humor' page. Hope it brings a smile. To catch up on a few things: School is going ok, I struggle with staying motivated but am trying to work on that. I have not heard anything more about the JCPenney job, it's not looking real great. I had two doctors appointments this week and am on some new meds so hopefully they will help some of my symptoms. I go see the gastroneurologist next week so hopefully he will have some new ideas and tests to run. The season premier of Bones is airing tonight so I am super excited! =]
    Be prepared for a little bit of a rant: After trying to get my medication for the nausea, Zofran, refilled for about a week I finally got a new prescription when I went in for my appointment. Excited to finally have my 'miracle drug' I went to go pick it up from the pharmacy only to find that our new insurance only covers 12 pills a month. Let me break it down for you. When I am active, even if it's just to go get my hair cut, it drains me. So when I am visiting a friend, going shopping, have generally any plans at all you can just imagine how sick and nauseous I can get. On these days I generally take 2-4 ONE day. Because I take so much my doctor wrote me a prescription for 90 days=90 pills...and they gave me 12. 12! I already try not to take Zofran when I am just hanging around at home but as you might already know from earlier posts I just had an interview for a job. What if I got the job? How am I supposed to be able to function at work when my nausea roams free throughout my body!? I don't know what I'm gonna do yet but I know I need to do something. This is the only thing that has ever significantly helped with my symptoms. I got through this past year because of Zofran. I can't express how vital this drug is to my everyday life any more than I can explain POTS. It's a miracle drug. Simple as that.

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